Aeromob Helicopter Parts Industry
Develop and Manufacture innovative aeronautical products that improve people's lives, making aeronautical operations even more efficient and safe.
To be the fastest growing Aeronautical Industry in our country.
Our 3 biggest values are: firstly Quality, secondly Quality and thirdly Quality too.
1st The quality in the life of the team that makes Aeromob a reality
2nd Quality in all components that Aeromob develops and manufactures
3rd Quality in the operation of customers who use Aeromob products and services
Aeromob Culture
Behavioral Profile and Emotional Stability
Positive People and Transparency among everyone on the team
Clear communications that ensure the message is understood
Connection with people who like to work, like to generate value and like to grow
Organization means efficiency
Executing and developing Standardized Procedures generates professional growth and strengthens the reliability of the company's products and services
Minute Management Culture
The best of the best in each position
Feedback Culture
Knowledge Sharing (The more you learn and the more you teach, the more capable you are at the next levels)
Lasting Relationships
Total focus during working hours (Quality of Life is knowing how to efficiently dedicate professional time, so that in personal time you can be fully present with yourself, friends and family)